School starts Thursday January 30th, 2025


Office Information

Office Hours

During term time, the main office is open from 8.00am to 3.30pm. During the holidays, between terms and for the last week of the Christmas holiday, staff may be present but not on a regular daily schedule. However, the answerphone is cleared regularly so please leave a message recording the date and time you phoned as well as name, phone number and a brief description of your requirements.

25 Dromorne Rd
Ph: 520 2458

Change Of Address Or Emergency

It is imperative that the office always has your correct details, as well as those of your nominated emergency contacts. Please notify us when any changes are made.

Important Phone Numbers

+64 9 520 2458

School Office
+64 9 520 2458
International Student Enquiries

Dental Clinic
For all enquiries regarding Dental Treatment for your children please call 

Orakei Children's Community Dental Clinic 
located at 8b Ngaio Street Orakei
+64 9 520 0603