PTA - Ice Blocks are back in Term 4
Summer is coming and ICE BLOCKS are back at RPS for Term 4.
We are looking for volunteers that can donate some time to help sell Ice Blocks to the students at RPS.
Ice blocks have always been sold at the beginning of break 2 (when Covid permitted it!), each Friday during Term 1 and 4, except for rainy indoor days. It's a great way for the kids to cool off on a Friday afternoon during the warmer months, and raises money for PTA projects.
If you can donate some time, approx. 25 to 30 minutes from 1.15pm, on a Friday afternoon a couple of times a term, the kids would appreciate it 😊
We meet at Johns Shed, beside the year 2 playground, at 1.15pm to arrange the Ice blocks. Four volunteers required each week - two for each of the Junior and Senior school.