Drop off and Pick up
We have once again received a number of complaints from concerned parents and neighbours regarding the actions of some parents when picking up and dropping off students from Dromorne Road, Armadale Road, and Platina Street. We would like to remind parents that standard road rules apply and you should not be parking or stopping on yellow lines, over driveways, in the bus stop, double parking and coming up onto the footpaths. Be aware that there is heavy foot traffic with small children crossing and walking in these areas during these times.
In particular in recent times we have had parents park across driveways restricting the homeowners from legally entering or exiting their own properties. The Road Code defines Driveway parking as follows: Drivers must not stop, stand or park their vehicles so that they obstruct driveways. Obstruction is defined as a vehicle being parked within 1m of the side of the driveway (Road User Rule, clause 6.9). The owner of this house in Platina Street has come home to this particular car blocking her access to her garage more than once and is understandbly distressed and angry.
As a school we value the relationship we have with our neighbours and rely on them to keep an eye on our school during evenings, weekends and school holidays. Please help us show our appreciation by parking legally and respecting the spaces around their driveways.